Every Order is Custom Made to your Specifications. Don’t see what you are looking for? Questions? Problems? Click here to Email  A.W. Simmons for assistance!

Name Badge with Sliding Title Bar
A rectangle badge attaches to you by pin or magnetic clasp (your choice). Up to 5 lines of print,  one raised emblem (logo) of your choice. The badge comes with a gold slide and a title bar
$25.00 Select options
Oval Name Badge with Engraved Emblem
An oval name badge with your name and no raised emblem. The badge and copy come in your choice of colors and bezel (frame) colors. Up to 4 lines of copy and logo.
$20.00 Select options
Oval Name Badge with name on one line
Oval name badge with name on one line, background color and one emblem (logo) of your choice.  
$20.00 Select options
Oval name badge with name on two lines
Oval name badge with name on two lines. Background color and one emblem (logo) of your choice.  
$20.00 Select options
Oval Masonic Name Badge with Rhinestone Bezel
4 lines of copy and one raised emblem (logo) of your choice. Rhinestones surround the oval, with a choice of background colors
$40.00 Select options
State Shaped Masonic Name Badge
A name badge in the shape of your state with one raised emblem (logo) of your choice. The number of lines printed depends on the number of letters on each line (usually 5-6 lines may be printed).  
$21.00 Select options
Rectangular Masonic Name Badge
A rectangular name badge with three lines and your choice of two raised emblems (logos) placed between the first and second lines of print. The second line should be your Court, Chapter, Lodge, etc. numbers. The name badge comes in silver or gold.  
$20.00 Select options
Rectangular Masonic Name Badge
4 lines of print with your choice of color and one raised emblem. (logo)  
$18.00 Select options
Rectangular Masonic Name Badge with Rhinestones
4 lines of copy and one raised emblem (logo) of your choice Rhinestones surround the rectangle, with a choice of background colors.
$40.00 Select options
Foldover Masonic Name Badge with Slider Bar
A rectangle badge that folds over your pocket. Up to 5 lines of print,  one raised emblem (logo) of your choice. The badge comes with a gold slide and a title bar
$25.00 Select options
Rectangular Name Badge, Raised Emblem & Hanger
4 lines of print with your choice of badge colors and one emblem (logo) with holes cut for bar. Bar includes one line of copy. Additional bars are $4.00
$25.00 Select options
Rectangular Foldover Masonic Name Badge
A rectangle badge that folds over your pocket. Four lines of print with one raised emblem (logo) and color of your choice.
$20.00 Select options
Engraved Foldover Name Badge
A square badge that folds over your pocket. Four lines of print with an engraved emblem (logo) and color of your choice.  
$18.00 Select options
Rectangular Masonic Name Badge with raised center
5 lines of print with center hump for raised emblem. Your choice of colors and one emblem (logo)
$18.00 Select options
Rectangular Name Badge, up to Three Lines of Copy
A rectangle name badge for non-fraternal groups. Your group has a choice between badges with 1-3 lines with no emblem (logo). dogs-r-us-name-badge-350x350  
$13.00 Select options
Title Bar, Hanging or Slide-in style
Purchase an additional Title Bar for your name tag, available in either a hanging or slide-in version
$8.00 Select options
Men’s Magnetic Badge & Card Holder
Available in Black or White,  Magnetic Badge holder simply folds over and slides in your pocket. No holes in your jacket or shirt! It also includes a clear plastic pocket on the rear to hold your membership card or business cards. white-magneticmag-FO-rear-w-cardmag-FO-w-name-badge    
$6.00 Select options
Custom Shaped or Design Name Badge
We can create custom designed name badges for you business or organization. Send us your design or allow our staff artist to create one for you (additional charges will apply. Contact us for more information)
$20.00 Select options